These days people can volunteer to serve the community in a wide variety of ways. But not many charities or local organisations provide the all-inclusive Club-style setting that Lions Clubs provide. If you join a Lions Clubs, you have a huge variety of different community service projects and fundraising events in which to become involved. You get the opportunity to shape how your Club works, and which projects it creates and/or supports. And you get a brilliant chance to make new friends and enjoy social events, not only with the fellow members of your Club, but also with the many neighbour Lions Clubs as well. 

In most areas where Lions Clubs are present, they have a reputation of the highest quality. This alone is a great enhancement to our aim of service to the community. We should be ever mindful of the benefits of Lions membership, and we should be looking for every opportunity to share those benefits with all like-minded people within our communities.

Membership of a Lions Club enriches our lives, and working together with our fellow Lions greatly enhances our capacity for serving the community.