Who we are Who are the Lions Lions Giving - 105SE Foundation Lions Giving was established by the Lions members from the South East of England in 2014. District 105SE Foundation, in the South East of England plays a crucial part in helping thousands of people in the region through a variety of projects and activities. Our District has some 1,100 members in 57 active Lions Clubs within Surrey, Sussex, Kent and London (south of the Thames) All our members are volunteers who dedicate their time to supporting their local communities. By choosing to support the Lions, you can really make a difference. From hospices and hospitals, to the elderly and children in need, through to flood victims and air ambulance services – we support them all. Since July 2014 our foundation has distributed £724.45K to community projects. Each of our Lions Clubs is unique focussing as they do on projects and causes important to their own local community Simply donate or volunteer today and start making a difference in you community Please visit www.lions105se.org.uk or [email protected] for further information Manage Cookie Preferences