Clocking Up the Miles for Brain Tumour Research Taking on a physical challenge is always a little daunting (unless you’re one of those ‘athletic types), which I certainly am not! Taking on a challenge and trying to fund-raise (especially in the current cost-of-living crisis) is an even more daunting prospect. Having said that, I’m not put off. I like to think, where there’s a will, there’s usually a way. I like a challenge, in fact, when it comes to getting off my sofa, I find I NEED to work towards something. This year (after many years of suffering with severe ill health), I thought I was probably being a little too enthusiastic when I signed up for 3 different fundraising challenges. First, a 100km Night Ride for Women V Cancer, two weeks after that a 5km swim for Marie Curie and then finally a month after that, a 5k Race for Life along the scenic Worthing Promenade. I thought I was going great guns with my training, swimming over 2.5k and cycling up to 75km 4 days before my first event, the 100km Ride. Then, my world came crashing down when I was diagnosed with two blood clots (one in each lung (as I tend not to do things by halves)). My sofa suddenly became my new best friend as I recovered (under strict orders not to participate in these events). Not one to give up (once I was cleared to exercise again), I saw a challenge that seemed more ‘realistic’(??) and for me, hopefully achievable. Cycling a total of 274 miles in August, for Brain Tumour Research, to be completed how I like (ie on a safe, static gym bike when the great British weather is playing up, or out on the roads/trails where I live). Given the freebie cycling jersey you get for taking part is partly pink (for those that know me, I’m akin to a magpie for anything pink), I signed myself up (three days before it commenced on 1st August).… So now the hard part, pedalling around Sussex (and occasionally at my local gym or on my old-faithful static in front of my tele), AND trying to reach the fundraising targets - If I can raise £137 this will not only get me a shiny medal, but is the equivalent of 5% of the cost of a day’s research at one of the Brain Tumour Research Centre’s of Excellence. My average cycles have generally still only been 30km, so I need to up my game and cycle longer and more often.Today it was 54km from Shoreham to Littlehampton (made harder by the on-shore headwind). It was my longest ride since just before my clots diagnosis, but I’m ever hopeful that the weather will improve and longer rides will become more attainable (and maybe even more enjoyable). As a Lion, I always feel like I should ‘do’ more, whether it’s in my community, my Club or in my role as Zone Chair. I hope that I’m doing a good job and making a difference. I hope that if you’re reading this, you will help me help Brain Tumour Research and donate to my Just Giving site. I shall try to send updates throughout the month to show how I’m going. As of today, 7th August, its one week down and so far 3 trips out (and one static ride during storm Antoni) with a grand total of 90 Miles completed! Thank you for taking the time to read and thank you in advance for any donations. Padded shorts at the ready, Claudine, Zone Chair, 1B xx Just Giving Website Manage Cookie Preferences