Pam and Simon Edwards hosted the President's Handover with a Hawaiian themed garden party with Members dressing up for the occasion and bringing sharing plates.

Simon gave a brief summary of the successes of the Club over the past year, highlighting: Membership grown by 8, great response to the Green Fairy Trails, community activities and FUNdraising events to enable us to make donation to good causes and those in need. He made special mention of the work done by individual members and the Club Trustees. He then presented certificates of thanks to four Friends of Lions for their enthusiastic support over the past year.

Simon had arranged for entertainment,in the form of Yr 11 student Yunus Alonso, a Grade 8 violinist who had performed at the clubs' talent event a couple of years ago. He played three pieces which reflected his amazing talent, all of which were received with great enthusiasm.

In coming President Pam, thanked Simon for his year in office and presented him with a tankard on behalf of the Club.

Pam said "I feel really honoured to hold this position and I thank you all for your support. My wish for my Lions’ year will be for the club to continue with new ideas and for everyone’s ideas to be heard, for members to work together whilst having fun and to continue to increase the level of visibility of our club to the wider community. Life is always moving forward, nothing ever remains the same, and we should not be afraid of change. This is ‘Our Club, Our Way’ and we want everyone to be involved, especially our newer members.

Finally, together we are an amazing club so let’s have another great year showcasing to Bexhill and other Lions Clubs just what Bexhill Lions can do. Good luck everyone and now enjoy your Hawaiian Luau party."