Talent on Show 

The Club was one of the sponsors for The Big Summer Sing, presented by Bexhill Festival of Music and held at the De La Warr Pavilion. The event was for Primary schools across the area to come together to celebrate the music making and talent within their schools. Ten schools took part in two performances held back to back and both were well supported by the pupils' families and friends. 

Club Members were also in attendance to help marshal the groups and get them onto the stage in a timely fashion. 

Safety in Action  

The project is aimed at year 6 children (age 10 and 11 years) – before 

they make the step to secondary school and greater independence. It is coordinated by East Sussex Fire and Rescue Servi

ce, working with other emergency services and agencies. Simulated scenarios cover a variety of situations; fire safety, road safety, water safety, first aid, railway, internet safety and electrical safety. 

Members of the Club helped at the scenarios at various sessions during the week long event.  


School Summer Fair 

The Club funded refreshments at  All Saints C.E. Primary School's summer fair which was raising funds for the Reception and Key Stage 1 playground development as well as a funding pot for the next school year's activities and projects. Local groups, businesses and community champions provided great support and a total of £5,883.66 was raised. 


BeachHut 2 

Last year a Beach Hut was used as a low cost alternative therapeutic space for charities, organisations and NHS mental Health services. It was used by over 50 organisations, who delivered over 400 sessions.  

The Club has donated £450 towards the cost of a second hut that has been made available to rent for a year. It will be used primarily by terminally ill children, special needs children and charities that provide support to children who have lost parents/siblings. It has been decorated to be warm and welcoming with towels, toys and furnishings. A mural has been donated by Wave Arts, a local not for profit organisation working with the local community to make it a better place for the next generation.  

A CIC is being set up so that they can then apply for grants to keep it going. Sue Saunders, Community Services Lead said " We are delighted to support this innovative initiative that provides a safe space for charities and organisations to hold mental health sessions, counselling and respite."