Asian Yellow Legged Hornet At the convention in Arendal, DG Paul Dedman was able to distribute 2000 sunflower seeds to the clubs in 105 SE. The seeds were donated to the Lions by DG Paul Dedman, and after being distributed into separate envelopes with labelled instructions, they were distributed at convention by Dartford Lion Graham Illsley. The Asian ‘Yellow-Legged’ Hornet is a non-native invasive species that preys on a wide range of pollinators. It is a highly aggressive predator which poses a significant threat to honeybees and other pollinators in the UK. The first Asian Hornet was discovered in the UK in 2016 but numbers increased rapidly in 2023. More nests were discovered in the UK in 2023 than in the previous six years combined! Paul would like the seeds distributed around the clubs, either to members or local children who will plant them and give the honeybees an excellent source of food to give them a fighting chance against the hornets. Hopefully later this year we will be able to do a special in this newsletter with photos from all of the people who were able to plant them, and a prize will be given for the best photo! Manage Cookie Preferences