Caterham, Oxted & Godstone Lions have a knack for enjoying themselves whilst raising money and the recent Trivia Quiz held in Godstone’s White Hart Barn was no exception. Around 60 people sat down to answer a wide selection of brain teasers and enjoy a de-luxe Ploughman’s Supper. The event raised £700 for LIBRA – which stands for Lions International Blood Research Appeal – at King’s College Hospital in London. A Club Member will visit the Hospital to present the cheque in person, a gesture made particularly poignant because a close member of his family has recently been treated there for a rare blood disorder. The Research Charity LIBRA was set up shortly before COG Lions was formed in 1978 and we have been proudly supporting it with donations from time to time ever since. (

June is the ‘change-over month’ for Lions Clubs International all over the world and our local Club is no different. The Handover Lunch was held recently at Horne Golf Club, when the past year was reviewed, and thanks given for work done over the months. Outgoing President Lion Chris Frith presented incoming President Lion Tony Gordon with the Lion President’s Chain of Office.

We wish Lion Tony and wife Sue an enjoyable and successful year of office.

“Music in the Meadow” sounded inviting and was one of Bletchingley’s ‘Bletchfest’ events. The Club went along to sell burgers and hot dogs to a goodly crowd which attended and enjoyed music from local rock bands and a DJ. The cooking equipment will be put to good use again before long as the Club will be the main provider of food at Godstone’s Bank Holiday Fete on Godstone Green. We’ll also be selling popcorn, candyfloss and cold drinks etc.

Why not come along to The Green then and meet the Lions? There is no entry fee for the Fete, plenty of parking, a wide variety of stalls and a Donkey Derby – what more could anybody want? More information will be available about the Lions Club, which is always on the look-out for new Members – men or women who have the welfare of others at heart and want to ‘make a difference’ while enjoying fun and fellowship in the Club.

If you would like to know more about your local Lions Club, the person to speak to is Lion Tony, on 01883 741809 – he would be delighted to chat to you. The Lions also have a Minibus available for hire – Lion David is the person to speak to about this – on 01342 893353