
We need your support to prevent a generation of children losing the chance to move towards a brighter future. Lions Clubs have joined together with UNICEF to raise £16,000 to cover the cost of 100 School in a Box kits to support 4,000 children.

Help at least 40 children continue their education in times of emergency and conflict. Unicef's school-in-a-box is an innovation in overseas education.

Materials for an entire classroom are packed into a large portable aluminium case, including a solar/wind-up radio and even an inflatable globe for geography lessons. The inside lid of the box doubles as a blackboard when coated with the special paint included in the kit.

One in four of the world’s school-aged children now live in countries affected by crisis. Of these children, 75 million are in the most desperate need of learning support: they are either in danger of or already missing out on their right to education. UNICEF, together with Lions Clubs across the UK, is dedicated to making sure that all children can enjoy their right to a quality education, from early learning opportunities that lay the groundwork for success in school, all the way through secondary school.

Education during an emergency is vital for children. Going to class instils a much-needed sense of routine and normality amidst the chaos of conflict and natural disasters. Being in school offers a safe space to remember that they are children, to feel hope for the future, to play, and to begin the process of healing the emotional damage of all they have experienced.