Brighton Wenceslas Donate Do you actually need your Winter Fuel Payment? We know of many people in Brighton and Hove who can’t afford to keep warm or cook a hot meal in winter. Please help us to help them by passing on part or all of your Winter Fuel Payment to us in the certain knowledge that it will go directly to the fuel needy. We work directly with agencies like Citizens Advice and BHESCo to target that need. You can help now by clicking Donate on this page Or by bank transfer to Brighton Lions Club Charity Trust Fund Account No: 11365355 Sort Code: 40-41-01 with ‘Wenceslas’ as the reference Or send your cheque payable to Brighton Lions Club Charity Trust Fund (endorse with ‘Wenceslas’ on back) to The Treasurer, Brighton Lions Club, 30 Friar Road, Brighton BN1 6NG Manage Cookie Preferences