KSS Heli Hikes There are 3 “Heli Hikes” coming up in the summer and this year there will be Fun Days alongside to attract more people to learn more about KSS and to interact with stalls around the event village. There will be music and entertainment & amusements for children. AAKSS are hoping that the helicopter will be operational from each of the sites to give people a chance to see how they work. We Lions can run our own stall or just display our PR Gazebos or distribute “Message in a Bottle” – whatever you want to do to help your own Club and our general membership. Sponsored Heli Hikes will start at 10am and are paid for ticketed events. There is a 3 mile route, 7.5 mile route and this year a new mini medic mile for children to take part in. I have attached a combined flyer of all 3 events and have individual event flyers to share should you wish. The Kent Heli Hike is back for the third year at The Friars, Aylesford, 21 September Surrey is moved to Loseley Park, Guildford, Saturday 10 August Sussex will be back at Cowdray Estate, Saturday 5 October. The Heli Fun Days will start at 11am and will be free ticketed events which people can get via the AAKSS website (there are 2,000 tickets per event). Lions Club members might be able to help as follows: Would you like to host a stall at the Heli Fun Days? If you have a stall you can set up anytime from 7am as long as your stall is complete by 9am. Please do let me know if you would like to attend and I will advise the AAKSS Events team who will then liaise on any further details they may require. Would any of the South East Lions be able to help volunteer on the day? We have various roles from car parking marshals to route marshals for which help is needed to be able to deliver a smooth and enjoyable event. Volunteers would need to arrive for 9am for a short briefing. Briefings will also be circulated by email before the event. Various finish times will be available depending on the role undertaken. Help us promote the days to your members and their friends and families. Manage Cookie Preferences